
This research website is for the research project entitled, The conceptualization and enactment of social and emotional learning in Canada: Exploring links between research, policy, and practice. The project is led by Heather Woods (PhD Candidate) as part of her PhD thesis under the supervision of Dr. J. David Smith (Professor) at the University of Ottawa in the Faculty of Education. By participating in discussions through the comment section on this website, you consent to your participation in the study.

Please refrain from using any identifiable information (e.g., names, schools, locations). All posts will be screened prior to posting to ensure no identifiable information is being shared.

Purpose of the Study: The current research project seeks to explore the state of social emotional learning within Canada. Specifically, the primary objective of the research is to gain an understanding of how SEL has evolved and is currently enacted and conceptualized within Canada. Findings from the proposed case study will shed light on what SEL looks like in research, policy, and practice and factors that enhance and hinder SEL programs, school climate, and school staff experiences with such initiatives. Additionally, the findings of this research may add to the theoretical and practical literature on program adoption, sustainability and school change.

Benefits: This study will provide valuable information for teachers, school administration and parents in that it will provide insight into school experiences with SEL initiatives. Additionally, the findings of the proposed study may be beneficial to policy makers, as findings may shed light on ways to better support schools in their SEL implementation and areas for improvement for school culture.

The possible implications of the proposed research include assisting educators and policy makers in developing and understanding SEL and school culture/climate to help create a more peaceful and caring educational environment for students and staff.

Additionally, the current research will explore how using a research website informs the research process.

Risks: While there are no known or anticipated risks associated with participation in this study, it is possible some participants may experience some emotional stress or be embarrassed or worried about their responses. Please be assured that all responses will be kept confidential, and no identifying information will be kept. Comments of an abusive or harassing nature will be removed.

Confidentiality: You are encouraged to use a pseudonym while using the website. Comments referring to school, location, or specific individuals will be edited by the researcher to protect the anonymity of participants. Should you wish to edit your post, you will have 24 hours to edit the post. After this time, you will need to contact Heather Woods ( to have your comment edited or removed.

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If you have questions about the research, please feel free to contact Heather Woods ( or David Smith (

If you have any questions regarding the ethical conduct of this study, you may contact the Protocol Officer for Ethics in Research, University of Ottawa, Tabaret Hall, 550 Cumberland Street, Room 154, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5.

Tel.: (613) 562-5387



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